✥ Project: Waterford Walls
✥ Location: 13 St. Ignatius St, Waterford, Ireland
✥ Date: August 2018
Having an inner sparkle jumping around involves having a layer of shadow guarding it. Without defining it as good or bad, the person in the middle is just keeping balance, sometimes lighter, sometimes darker. We’re moving.
When I first arrived to the wall I found that it was being demolished. I was instructed to paint the wall in front of it. The home owners didn’t get the memo about this, so it was all a rough start (although I ended up having great relationships with all the neighbors around that wall).
The (old & new) wall had a sign that I was told could be moved to the side to be preserved (that’s why I painted sign posts in the original design). But the sign was made of concrete and there was no chance to move it, and no time to change the design. I sadly had to paint it over.
Last but not least, I got stuck in the lift while everyone was at the pub. Everyone but my friend Brian (fellow artist painting in the festival) who happened to visit me at the right moment. He called technical service and while talking to them on the phone, he manually tried to operate the lever for HOURS to get me down. This didn’t work, but he got an idea. “I’ll be back” he said. “Please do”. He remembered another artist’s lift was parked around the corner, so he thought of using it to rescue me that night, (cause technical service was in another town so they would come the next day). He thought of it but didn’t tell me (or maybe he did but I didn’t understand it from up there), so when he left I had no idea what was coming up next: It was hilarious to see him approaching like a knight in shining armor, but slowly driving a lift instead of a horse.
🔗 Waterford Walls official site
✤ ““Wonder Walls: the story of Irish Street Art” Documentary by RTÉ